We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But what happens when you don't have time for breakfast because you want to get a run in before work? Is it better to run on an empty stomach or eat something first?
The truth is, there are pros and cons to both running on an empty stomach and eating something before you run. Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of each so you can make the best decision for you.
Pros of Running on an Empty Stomach:
1. You'll burn more fat.
2. You'll have more energy.
3. You'll be less likely to experience GI issues.
Cons of Running on an Empty Stomach:
1. You might not have enough energy to finish your run.
2. You might experience cramps or other GI issues.
3. You might not perform as well as you would if you had eaten something first.

Pros of Eating Something Before You Run:
1. You'll have more energy.
2. You'll perform better overall.
3. You're less likely to experience cramps or other GI issues.
4. You'll be able to run for longer periods of time without getting tired.
5 . You'll have sustained energy levels throughout your run.
Cons of Eating Something Before You Run :
1 . You might experience GI issues.
2 . You won't burn as much fat.
So, what's the verdict? Should you or shouldn't you eat before you run? The answer, as with most things in life, is it depends. If you're going for a short run and you don't think you'll need extra energy, then running on an empty stomach might be fine for you. However, if you're planning on a long run or if you think you might need a little boost, then eating something beforehand is probably your best bet. Just be sure to listen to your body and do what feels right for you! π